Business Services
Merchant Account Setup
Page Content
Departments with a business need to accept and process credit/debit card payments
as a form of payment for goods/and or services, receipt of donations, non-tuition
courses, conferences, seminars, tickets, and other approved University of Southern
Mississippi related products, will need to complete an Application for a Department
Merchant Account.
Please review the checklist below to begin setting up a new merchant account.
Checklist for Setting up a New Merchant Account:
- Read the Payment Card Security Policy, Administration and Department Payment Card Procedures, and Department Payment Card Responsibilities.
- Create a Departmental Cash Policy for your area using the Cash Handling Policy Template provided, which includes payment card procedures that comply with the University’s cash handling policy. (If you already have a cash handling policy, you will add payment card information to your current policy.)
- Complete the Merchant Application.
- Send a copy of the Merchant Application, a copy of the Departmental Cash Policy, and the UBIT questionnaire to Tax Compliance for approval. [] (A link to the UBIT questionnaire is provided in the Merchant Application.)
- Complete Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards training. A link to the training will be provided after the merchant account is created.
- Complete a Self-Assessment Questionnaire attesting to your compliance. (This will
also be done after the merchant account is created.)
Payment Card Security Policy
Administration and Department Payment Card Procedures
Department Payment Card Responsibilities
Cash Handling Policy Template
For questions pertaining to merchant account set up,
please email Latasha%20Peters .